What is the heel distance
📏 The heel distance 📏
Here you will find a short explanation of the heel distance! Do you want to read the explanation of all shoe specifications? Then take a look at the following page:
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Heel distance
The heel distance is the space between the heel and the outsole and determines how steep the slope of the insole is
- A steeper heel has a shorter heel distance
(and a sharper slope angle* = a lower angle in degrees*) - The shorter the heel distance, the steeper the heels feel.
*Want to know more about this? Read the explanation about the angle of inclination for more information about this
The shorter the heel distance, the higher the heels of the shoes feel/the steeper the shoes will be.
How this is measured
Measuring the heel distance is best done when comparing two different shoes of the same size and with the same walking or heel height.
You don't even have to measure the distance exactly if you can clearly see whether the distance of one shoe is shorter than the other*
- The shorter the heel distance, the higher/steeper the heels feel
*Where exactly you should measure this distance is sometimes difficult to say. In this more extensive explanation about the heel distance you can find more explanation about how and where you can measure this. But usually you do not need all this information to buy heels. |
The next image shows an example of how heel distance affects the 'steepness' of a shoe. The triangle represents the 'space between' the heel and the outsole/slope as seen in the heel on the left.
Don't compare apples with oranges:There is no point in comparing the heel distance of size 36 shoes with size 40 shoes; or comparing the heel distance of shoes with a platform to a shoe without a platform.Why?shoes in size 40 always have a longer heel distance than the same shoe in size 36 because size 40 is simply longer than size 36. The heel will therefore also have to be at a longer distance from the outsole than with size 36 in order to maintain the same 'steepness'.The same applies to shoes with a platform and shoes without a platform. If you compare shoes with the same heel height and heel distance, one of which has a platform and the other does not have a platform, you will stand less steeply on the shoe with a platform sole because the heel distance should actually be measured at the 'walking height' (see the information about Walking height) |